Video from Dallas Willard Ministries
Created for Intimate Friendship with God
"What does God intend for us? What kind of life does he offer us? Dallas helps us understand the importance of embracing our role as Jesus's intimate friends and coworkers, and how we can live in that conversational relationship with God all day, every day. You'll be intrigued by Dallas's comments on numerous Scripture passages and if you've ever wondered about Jesus's parable of the "Unprofitable Servant" be sure to take note! --- Download notes, here: This is Session 7 of the @Renovaré Institute's March 2011 cohort at Camp St. Malo, Colorado #hearingGod" from video introduction.
"Spiritual transformation into Christlikeness comes through a process. That process is one of living in relationship to God. Hearing God is simply a short way of talking about a conversational relationship with God. Genesis 3:8 Adam and Eve heard the sound of God walking in the garden. What does that tell you about God? • God, as he shows up in the first chapters of Genesis, turns out to be a very chatty God! • What emerges here is not only God’s interest in our lives, but the space that he gives us! He gives us opportunity to work and be on our own. • Genesis 3:9 “Adam, where are you?” By his choice, God didn’t know where Adam was. He gave Adam the distance that allowed him to respond. Intimate fellowship, friendship with God, is one where God is both available but gives us the option of turning away. Numbers 6:24-26 The Lord bless you and keep you, the Lord make his face to shine upon you…and be gracious unto you. The Lord lift up his countenance upon you…(the Lord look right at you)…and give you his peace. • God seeks fellowship with you. • The basic nature of God is loving community. • What is our response? Psalm 27:8 “Thy face, Lord will I seek.” Our relationship to God is not a consumerist relationship. • We don’t consume the merits of Christ or the services of the church, we are participants. • We are not spectators; we are in the game! • The game is producing the greatest creative goodness possible under the power and character of God in which we share. • God creates creators – you and me!.." from notes link above.