Video from DTBM
Do You Know What The Holy Spirit Looks Like--When He Enters & Lives in Your Life?
Today as we head towards Christmas, we begin a more personal look at the Spirit. Instead of seeing just the didactic, doctrinal writings of the Epistles, we are going to spend these weeks using the characters of Christmas as illustrations.
In the Gospels, we see the Holy Spirit greatly at work in both Christ's life and those around Him. We can actually see how the Spirit can operate when we see what He does in those who surrender, yield, and seek to stay in step with Him.
Simeon is introduced to us by God in Luke 2:22-35, and if it wasn’t for that introduction, he would be like untold billions of others throughout human history who were only known by those closest to them during their lives; and who died without leaving a trace.
Even if God hadn’t added him to the Biblical record, and even if we had never read about Simeon, what he was will last forever.
Simeon was an Old Testament saint, who lived in hope waiting for the coming Christ by faith; and died in faith, ready to go whenever God’s time came.
Ready to go, what a way we all should live.
Simeon sends a message from his life that extends far from the Christmas scenes, reaching all the way to the very end of each of our lives. Simeon was a Spirit-filled and Spirit-led servant, and his life is a model for each of us.
In our text, a nearly six-week-old Jesus was on His way in the arms of His parents to be dedicated in Jerusalem’s Temple. Joseph and Mary would undoubtedly be walking up the entrance called the Southern Steps. I love to teach this passage standing in the midst of a group of Holy Land pilgrims with Bibles opened. It is one of those moments when you can feel the very place the event happened in God's Word! " from video introduction