Video from Dallas Willard Ministries
Knowledge of Christ: Reason in Human Life & Religion, Redemption of Reason
"Notes Link: Reason is fundamental to dealing with life. Dallas defines it here as “the God-given power of human beings to see connections and incorporate them in mechanisms to extend that power to indefinite lengths”. But reason is limited by the need for correct starting points, keeping the chain of connections, desire, pride and willfulness. In this session you will learn: - what Paul means when he talks about “flesh,” - what reason cannot do, - what it means to be a “reasonable” person, - how "education" as a strictly human enterprise fails. Key Scriptures: 2 Corinthians 10:3-5; Romans 12:1-2; John 17:17; Genesis 11:6 Download the notes for the entire series here: Visit us at for more life-changing teaching from #DallasWillard." from video introduction