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State Police Officer Moved to Tears after DWI Stop

Updated: Apr 5

Video from KRQE

State Police Officer Moved to Tears after DWI Stop

I know police officers who are Christians and care a great deal about the people they serve. Right now we are seeing a lot of negative attention on police officers in general. It is a tough job, perhaps a no-win for the police officer. Now am sure we can all agree that Policing in America needs a redo. There is no excuse for the criminal actions we have seen and continue to see by some police officers.

But not all police officers are bad.

Our news and social media thrive on the negative, controversial, and sensational. As Christians, we are not to participate in gossip and slander. We must be objective, compassionate, and empathetic.

Thank a police officer sometimes and encourage them.

This State Trooper cares for people, let us do the same!

Ephesians 5:18 18 And do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery, but be filled with the Spirit

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