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The Gospel of Mark Chapter 15 : With Dr. Craig Keener

“And the soldiers led Jesus away inside the courtyard of the palace (i.e., the governor’s headquarters), and they called together the rest of their unit. And they draped him in a purple robe, and weaving together a garland of thorns, they placed it on him. And they began applauding him: “Hail, King of the Jews!” They struck his head with a reed, spat on him, and knelt down as if to honor him as king. And when they were done mocking him, they stripped the purple robe from him and put his own clothes back on him. Then they led him out to crucify him.” (Mark 15:16-20)

In Mark 15, the kind of king the soldiers mock—one who flaunts power—is not the kind of king that Jesus is. Instead, his kingship corresponds to his very submission to suffering at their hands. This was a suffering to which his heavenly rank did not require him to submit; he submitted not out of obligation but on our behalf. Jesus models a different kind of authority than his mockers expected, an authority reliant entirely on God, and not from human rank.

This model fits the Lord’s mission throughout Mark’s Gospel. Jesus makes the lowly feel welcome, meeting their needs. But just as we would resent one child who bullies another, Jesus views harshly those who exploit or look down on the rest of his people. He challenges the wealthy priests, the proud leaders who run the temple, those who consider themselves intellectually or morally superior, those who revel in receiving respectful greetings, and so forth. Jesus ultimately pronounces judgment on the temple and its establishment, but with a wounded, broken heart...' from the article: Misunderstanding Jesus Kingship - Mark 15:16-20

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