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"The UFO Phenomenon" Becomes Legitimate & What That Means

Writer's picture: Andy McIlvainAndy McIlvain

Updated: Apr 13, 2024

"The UFO Phenomenon" Becomes Legitimate & What That Means

We are witnessing the new legitimacy of what has been for a long time a shunned subject.

The stigma is slowly going away.

Scientists are starting to look for data on their own. Those in the military or government are not going to willingly disclose a "smoking gun" for the public to see and examine.

Of course, none of this happens in a vacuum. The world and the cosmos are complex and involve not only the free will decisions of mankind but also the free will of Angelic entities and Demonic entities. The realization we are having is that there is much more to creation and reality than what we can see.

This is however coming through the lens of a materialistic worldview that discounts the very thing they must examine.

God will permit us to become aware of what He wills.

What all of this new interest in "The Phenomenon" means is we will be discovering the complexity of creation in a completely new and different way!

It will be very interesting to see the marvels that He has made!

God the Creator of All Things
God the Creator of All Things

Three Scientific Papers on the UFO Phenomenon

"And an exploration of three scientific papers on the UFO Phenomenon, two very recent, in relation to the US government and Harvard's Galileo Project probes into the UFO UAP phenomenon." from the video introduction

"Preliminary Assessment: Unidentified Aerial Phenomena", United States Office of the Director of National Intelligence, 2021


Scope This preliminary report is provided by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) in response to the provision in Senate Report 116-233, accompanying the Intelligence Authorization Act (IAA) for Fiscal Year 2021, that the DNI, in consultation with the Secretary of Defense (SECDEF), is to submit an intelligence assessment of the threat posed by unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) and the progress the Department of Defense Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force (UAPTF) has made in understanding this threat. This report provides an overview for policymakers of the challenges associated with characterizing the potential threat posed by UAP while also providing a means to develop relevant processes, policies, technologies, and training for the U.S. military and other U.S. Government (USG) personnel if and when they encounter UAP, so as to enhance the Intelligence Community’s (IC) ability to understand the threat. The Director, UAPTF, is the accountable official for ensuring the timely collection and consolidation of data on UAP. The dataset described in this report is currently limited primarily to U.S. Government reporting of incidents occurring from November 2004 to March 2021. Data continues to be collected and analyzed. ODNI prepared this report for the Congressional Intelligence and Armed Services Committees. UAPTF and the ODNI National Intelligence Manager for Aviation drafted this report, with input from USD(I&S), DIA, FBI, NRO, NGA, NSA, Air Force, Army, Navy, Navy/ONI, DARPA, FAA, NOAA, NGA, ODNI/NIM-Emerging and Disruptive Technology, ODNI/National Counterintelligence and Security Center, and ODNI/National Intelligence Council. Assumptions Various forms of sensors that register UAP generally operate correctly and capture enough real data to allow initial assessments, but some UAP may be attributable to sensor anomalies.." read the entire report:

Annual Report on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena, United States Department of Defense, 2022

Table of Contents EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ..........................................................................................................

2 SCOPE AND ASSUMPTIONS.................................................................................................... 3 Scope ........................................................................................................................................ 3 Assumptions............................................................................................................................. 3 GOVERNMENTAL CHANGES TO MANAGE UAP ISSUES............................................... 4 Establishment of the All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) ................................ 4 ODNI Coordinating with AARO and Multi-Agency Partners, Seeking Opportunities to Assist in Collection, Reporting, and Analysis of UAP Incidents across the IC....................... 4 CONTINUED REPORTING AND ROBUST ANALYSIS ARE PROVIDING BETTER FIDELITY ON UAP EVENTS, BUT MANY CASES REMAIN UNRESOLVED................ 5 UAP Reporting......................................................................................................................... 5 Partnerships and Collaboration ................................................................................................ 5 Flight Safety Concerns and Health Implications ..................................................................... 6 SUMMARY AND WAY AHEAD ............................................................................................... 7 APPENDIX A: ANNUAL REPORT ON UAP—FY 2022 NDAA............................................ 8 APPENDIX B: AARO ESTABLISHMENT OF OFFICE AND DUTIES—FY 2022 NDAA ....................................................................................................................................................... 10 APPENDIX C: INDEX OF KEY TERMS ....................................

Recently Declassified NRO Document Regarding a Detection of a "Tic Tac"

"In 2021, a highly classified system within the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) detected what it described as a small (<10m) “tic tac” shaped object which “did not match the visual signature of typical aircraft detections.”. The system observing this object is called “Sentient,” and this program within the NRO, wherein details remain highly classified, sounds like something you’d hear about described in a science fiction movie, rather than in full operation by the American intelligence community.

“Sentient is (or at least aims to be) an omnivorous analysis tool, capable of devouring data of all sorts, making sense of the past and present, anticipating the future, and pointing satellites toward what it determines will be the most interesting parts of that future,” wrote journalist Sarah Scoles in a 2019 article published in The Verge, describing Sentient.." from The Black Vault article: Recently Declassified NRO Document Regarding a Detection of a "Tic Tac"

"Physical Constraints on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena" Loeb and Kirkpatrick, 2023

"Draft version March 7, 2023 Typeset using LATEX default style in AASTeX631 PHYSICAL

CONSTRAINTS ON UNIDENTIFIED AERIAL PHENOMENA Abraham (Avi) Loeb1 and Sean M. Kirkpatrick2 1Head of the Galileo Project, Astronomy Department, Harvard University 60 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA 2Director of All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office 1010 Defense Pentagon Washington DC 20301, USA ABSTRACT We derive physical constraints on interpretations of “highly maneuverable” Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) based on standard physics and known forms of matter and radiation. In particular, we show that the friction of UAP with the surrounding air or water is expected to generate a bright optical fireball, ionization shell and tail - implying radio signatures. The fireball luminosity scales with inferred distance to the 5th power. Radar cross-section scales similarly to meteor head echoes as the square of the effective radius of the sphere surrounding the object, while the radar cross-section of the resulting ionization tail scales linearly with the radius of the ionization cylinder. The lack of all these signatures could imply inaccurate distance measurements (and hence derived velocity) for single site sensors without a range gate capability. Keywords: Interstellar objects – Meteors – meteoroids – Meteorites – Bolides – asteroids: general – asteroids: individual (A/2017 U1) – Minor planets – ‘Oumuamua 1. INTRODUCTION In 2005, the US Congress tasked NASA to find 90% of all Near Earth Objects (NEOs) that are larger than 140 meters (Loff 2014). The Congressional task resulted in the construction of the Pan-STARRS telescopes. On October 19, 2017, the Pan-STARRS sky survey flagged an unusual NEO, the interstellar object ‘Oumuamua (see, Loeb (2022a) and references therein). Unlike Solar system asteroids or comets, ‘Oumuamua appeared to have an extreme flat shape and was pushed away from the Sun without showing a cometary tail of gas and dust, raising the possibility that it was thin and artificial in origin. Three years later, Pan-STARRS discovered a definitely artificial object, namely NASA’s rocket booster 2020 SO, which exhibited similar behavior with an extreme shape, a push by the Solar radiation pressure and no cometary tail because its thin walls were made of stainless steel (Talbert 2020). On March 9, 2017, six months before ‘Oumuamua’s closest approach to Earth, a meter-size interstellar meteor (IM2) collided with Earth (Siraj & Loeb 2022a). Surprisingly, IM2 had an identical speed relative to the Sun at large distances and an identical heliocentric semimajor axis as ‘Oumuamua had. But the inclination of IM2’s orbital plane around the Sun was completely different from ‘Oumuamua’s, implying that the two objects are unrelated. Nevertheless, the coincidences between some orbital parameters of ‘Oumuamua and IM2 inspires us to consider the possibility that an artificial interstellar object could potentially be a parent craft that releases many small probes during its close passage to Earth, an operational construct not too dissimilar from NASA missions. These “dandelion seeds” could be separated from the parent craft by the tidal gravitational force of the Sun or by a maneuvering capability. A small ejection speed far away could lead to a large deviation from the trajectory of the parent craft near the Sun. The changes would manifest both in arrival time and distance of closest approach to Earth. With proper design, these tiny probes would reach the Earth or other Solar system planets for exploration, as the parent craft passes by within a fraction of the Earth-Sun separation - just like ‘Oumuamua did. Astronomers would not be able to notice the spray of mini-probes because they do not reflect enough sunlight for existing survey telescopes to notice them if they are on the 10 cm scale of CubeSats or smaller. At a distance d from the Sun and the telescope, objects that are a meter in diameter and reflect a fraction a ≈ 10% of sunlight impinging on their surface would yield a flux of optical light of ∼ 0.2(d/1 AU)−2 nJy, well below the detection threshold of even the James Webb.." Read the report: "Physical Constraints on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena" Loeb and Kirkpatrick, 2023

"Hypersonic Unidentified Aerial Objects" Marcy and Villaroel, 2023 "Science in Default", James E. McDonald, 1969

"Science in Default: Twenty-Two Years of Inadequate UFO Investigations American Association for the Advancement of Science, 134th Meeting General Symposium, Unidentified Flying Objects James E. McDonald, Professor of Atmospheric Sciences The University of Arizona Tucson, Arizona December 27, 1969 No scientifically adequate investigation of the UFO problem has been carried out during the entire 22 years that have now passed since the first extensive wave of sightings of unidentified aerial objects in the summer of 1947. Despite continued public interest, and despite frequent expressions of public concern, only quite superficial examinations of the steadily growing body of unexplained UFO reports from credible witnesses have been conducted in this country or abroad. The latter point is highly relevant, since all evidence now points to the fact that UFO sightings exhibit similar characteristics throughout the world. Charging inadequacy of all past UFO investigations, I speak not only from a background of close study of the past investigations, but also from a background of three years of rather detailed personal research, involving interviews with over five hundred witnesses in selected UFO cases, chiefly in the U. S. In my opinion, the UFO problem, far from being the nonsense problem that it has often been labeled by many scientists, constitutes a problem of extraordinary scientific interest. The grave difficulty with essentially all past UFO studies has been that they were either devoid of any substantial scientific content, or else have lost their way amidst the relatively large noise-content that tends to obscure the real signal in the UFO reports. The presence of a percentually large number of reports of misidentified natural or technological phenomena (planets, meteors, and aircraft, above all) is not surprising, given all the circumstances surrounding the UFO problem. Yet such understandable and usually easily recognized instances of misidentification have all too often been seized upon as a sufficient explanation for all UFO reports, while the residue of far more significant reports (numbering now of order one thousand) are ignored. I believe science is in default for having failed to mount any truly adequate studies of this problem, a problem that has aroused such strong and widespread public concern during the past two decades. Unfortunately, the present climate of thinking, above all since release of the latest of a long series of inadequate studies, namely, that conducted under the direction of Dr. E. U. Condon at the University of Colorado, will make it very difficult to secure any new and more thorough investigations, yet my own examination of the problem forces me to call for just such new studies. I am enough of a realist to sense that, unless the present AAAS UFO Symposium succeeds in making the scientific community aware of the seriousness of the UFO problem, little immediate response to any call for new investigation is likely to appear. In fact, the over-all public and scientific response to the UFO phenomena is itself a matter of substantial scientific interest, above all in its social-psychological aspects. Prior to my own investigations, I would never have imagined the wide spread reluctance to report an unusual and seemingly inexplicable event, yet that reluctance, and the attendant reluctance of scientists to exhibit serious interest in the phenomena in question,.." "Hypersonic Unidentified Aerial Objects" Marcy and Villaroel, 2023 "Science in Default", James E. McDonald, 1969

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