What is Christian Nationalism?
Can we ever agree on what constitutes being a Christian Nationalist?
Are we wasting our time and energy debating this?
recently John MacArthur made some statements about his view of the subject. Below is a Christian Post article about his comments followed by a video of a response from Right Response Ministries.
John MacArthur denounces Christian nationalism as 'faulty viewpoint' linked to postmillennialism
"Pastor John MacArthur denounced Christian nationalism insofar as it is defined as an attempt to usher in the Kingdom of God on Earth through political means, but exhorted Christians to care about what is happening in their nation.
"There is no such thing as Christian nationalism," MacArthur said during a question-and-answer period last month at Grace Community Church in Los Angeles. "The Kingdom of God is not of this world. Jesus said, 'My kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, my servants would fight.' His Kingdom is not of this world. The kingdom of this world is a separate world. They're not linked together."
MacArthur explained his belief that the prevailing religion or ideology of any nation bears no relevance to whether the Kingdom of God progresses according to His sovereignty..." from the article: John MacArthur denounces Christian nationalism as 'faulty viewpoint' linked to postmillennialism
What John MacArthur Misses With Christian Nationalism
Video from Right Response Ministries
"In the past several weeks we have seen two examples of high-profile evangelicals who have criticized the positions of Christian Nationalism. In Particular, John MacArthur and Owen Strachan both argued that it is impossible for a nation to be ‘Christian’, and argued that God’s kingdom is primarily spiritual. Both of these arguments fail to understand what Christian Nationalism claims. In particular they miss these two points. First, that Jesus himself, not the church, has already won the earth by his obedience, death, and resurrection, and is therefore entitled to all of its spoils. Second, that though Christ’s kingdom is not OF this world, it is definitely present and spreading throughout all of it. These two examples show how, yet again, the evangelical church is largely responsible for the crisis that the west is in. Tune in now as we try to correct the record and offer a victorious path forward." from the video introduction