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Video from Father Spyridon

Although this video is a year old it has much wisdom and insight for today.

"Father Spyridon is a Russian Orthodox priest serving in Telford, England. He has previously published a number of books of poetry and novels under his name in the world, Darren Bailey. As an ordained priest in ROCOR Father Spyridon has focussed on spiritual themes: Journey To Mount Athos, his first of these books, details his trip to the Holy Mountain where he encountered monks and hermits and was allowed access to a way of life few of us have encountered. Return To Mount Athos details his second trip and describes further conversations with the monks there. Orthodoxy And The Kingdom of Satan develops some of themes touched on Fr Seraphim Rose in Orthodoxy and The Religion of The Future. The Ancient Path is a series of reflections on various aspects of life using the Church Fathers as the starting point in which Father Spyridon identifies how far modern man has strayed from an authentic Christian view of the universe. Podvig is allegorical novel in which Fr Spyridon explores a number of spiritual themes. Behind The Veil is a fictional account of a young man's fall into occultism and details its effects on his life. Trampling Down Death By Death explores various themes relating to death and resurrection. It is deeply hopeful book that brings the reader into a vivid sense of the full reality of God's purpose for us. Fire On The Lips is is his third novel. A young couple have a chance encounter with an Orthodox monk which develops into a life-long friendship. The book explores the reality of sainthood in the modern world and drawing on a number of real events takes the reader into the mystery of ancient spirituality. Sub-titled "Encounters With A Saint" it demonstrates that Christian holiness is as real today as it was in the deserts of Egypt sixteen hundred years ago..."from

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