Video from Q Ideas
"We live in a culture that worships celebrity and idolizes platform. But what happens when this ideology infiltrates the Church? In this powerful talk, pastor Rich Villodas confronts our tendency to gravitate towards celebrity Christianity. This is just one of 35+ talks and conversations from the Q Ideas Culture Summit centered around how Christians can think well and advance good on the most important topics for our cultural moment. Want to be inspired by more conversations like these? Get access to the full Culture Summit, where no topic is off-limits and we’re not afraid to ask difficult questions, below. Get access to the full event: Learn more about Q Ideas:" from video introduction.
You and I are not celebrities we are servants, and so are pastors. I have been a bi vocational pastor for over 20 years now. I have pastored a church weekly for 10 years of that. My experience has been that we as pastors thank to highly of ourselves and the temptation to pride is very real. Many especially in high profile churches, mega churches for example become celebrities.
Right away when we allow this to happen we deviate from being a Christ follower. Listen to what Pastor Rich Villodas has to say.