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What is a Person? — And Why It Matters (with JP Moreland) [Think Biblically Podcast]

Life is not reduceable to chemistry and physics!

Our lofty thoughts reveal our arrogance.

Many scientists are starting to realize the reality that there is much more to the cosmos than mere materialism.

But the world resists the hard questions and the hard answers.

As humanity plunges yet again into a period of worldwide depravity we must abide in Christ and use wisdom and discernment in all things.

Our culture and others has for a long time tried to make humna life a commodity that is both disposable and valueless.

This continues today with abortion among other things that devalue human life.

But what then can be called human?

J.P.Moreland discusses the subject.

Video from Biola University

What is a Person? — And Why It Matters (with JP Moreland) [Think Biblically Podcast]

"Who counts as a person? The severely mentally challenged? The elderly person at the end of Alzheimer’s? The unborn? On what basis do we decide this critical question? How do we know that we have a soul? Hasn’t science decided that all of what the soul does actually occurs in the brain? Join Scott as he tackles these questions and more with our colleague and guest, JP Moreland, and co-author of a new book, The Substance of Consciousness." from video introduction

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