Video from Revolution of Ordinaries
10 Reasons People Leave for House Church - Matt Dabbs
"Churches are shrinking but not all are just abandoning faith. Many are going to ancient worship and assembly practice - the simplicity of the home. Maybe you feel that pull and want to know more. Maybe the inefficiency and waste of the big mega church is bothering your soul. This video is for you! Here are 10 reasons people leave for something they think is deeper and more impactful than what they have typically experienced in church. House churches are biblical and a good stewardship of funds. They promote local mission and provide spiritual intimacy. House churches are flexible and that makes them persecution proof. There are many other reasons involved. If you want help starting a house church, please reach out - For more info on prayer walking, watch this!    • How to Do A Prayer Walk In Your Neigh...  Chapters: 00:00 - Intro 00:09 - It is biblical 00:40 - It is efficient 02:12 - It is Relational/Intimate 03:11 - Helps Local Mission 03:59 - Persecution Proof 04:42 - It is flexible 05:57 - It is Organic 07:00 - Incorporates Kids 08:06 - More Open Worship Engagement (prayer/testimony) 09:04 - Priesthood of all believers 09:41 - Not a Criticism, Just an Observation" from video introduction