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American Christianity Needs to Be "Saved" from Itself!

Updated: May 12

American Christianity Needs to Be "Saved" from Itself!
American Christianity Needs to Be "Saved" from Itself!

"...if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land” 2 Chronicles 7:14

American Christianity Needs to Be "Saved" from Itself!

In 2 Chronicles 7:14, we are called to humility and repentance.

The problem in America right now is not President Biden, the Left, or Trump and the Right its all of us unrepentant arrogant Christians. Christians right now account for a great deal of the gossip, slander, hate, hypocrisy, and evil we are hearing and seeing in our nation. It is obvious and can't be denied or blamed on someone else. We have tarnished our witness.

God is never ok with our sins, and our pride even though we might be. Sadly we have become accustomed to our hypocritical behavior and thinking. It's ok now to act foolish and hateful. We expect our public officials to behave and act respectable yet we will not. We have become detached and apathetic. We need God's mercy now more than ever as we seem to be a lost people. American Christianity needs to be... saved (from itself).

Neither Trump nor any other president is going to make our nation greater, or great again. men are not the solution to our problems and never will be. As long as we arrogantly think everyone else must change and not us our problems will pile up.

2 Chronicles 7:14 is a plea for humility beginning with you and me.

Our call is to petition God in prayer, each and every one of us, daily!

the humble courage we all need to change our land will not come unless we humble ourselves before our Lord.

What will you do?

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