Video from Grace to You
Angels: God's Invisible Army, Part 2 (Selected Scriptures) [Audio Only] - John MacArthur
"Tonight again, we’re going to talk about God’s invisible army, the angels, and I want you to have your Bible and pencil and paper handy, because there are going to be many things that you’ll want to read and write down some of the things that we won’t have the time to cover in just reading them. Now what do we know about these fantastic beings? Well, in our last study we began to look at them, and we covered the idea of who they are. We talked about the existence of angels, the origin of angels, and the nature of angels, and just tried to define for you who angels are.
Now I gave you all of that information about their existence, their origin, and their nature, and tonight I want to add one thing that I think is well covered in many books and sources. And that is that there is one other very special angel who doesn’t quite fit the mold of all the rest. In fact this angel is not like any other angel. He is called the angel of the Lord or the angel of Jehovah. He is very unique. We find this angel only in the Old Testament. He never appears in the New Testament. He begins to appear with Abraham and he ceases from scriptural appearance with Zechariah. So we believe he has to be something very, very special. Let me introduce him to you, Genesis chapter 16 – and this will round out our understanding of angels in terms of who they are..." from the Transcript
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