Fr Seraphim (Aldea) at Mull Monastery reminds us that being a young person today is very difficult.
Many of us tend to forget this.
As a boomer in retirement, I also am guilty of not realizing that the world I grew up in is not this time or place in history.
We boomers must take responsibility for the world we helped create which our young people must now grow up in.
Let us pray for our young people and each other that we would show grace, mercy, help, and encouragement to all of them!
Video from Mull Monastery
Being Young is VERY Hard. A Message for the Old(er) Generations
'The video 'Being young is VERY hard. A message for the old(er) generations' was recorded by Fr Seraphim (Aldea) at Mull Monastery (The Orthodox Monastery of All Celtic Saints), on the Isle of Mull." from the video introduction