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Finding God Through Art

Updated: Jul 25, 2023

Video from Explore God

Finding God Through Art

"Artist Makoto Fujimura shares how he came to understand the beauty he creates through art by understanding and accepting the love and sacrifice of Jesus Christ." from vidoe introduction.

"Makoto Fujimura is a leading contemporary artist whose process driven, refractive “slow art” has been described by David Brooks of New York Times as “a small rebellion against the quickening of time”. Robert Kushner, in the mid 90’s, written on Fujimura’s art in Art in America this way: “The idea of forging a new kind of art, about hope, healing, redemption, refuge, while maintaining visual sophistication and intellectual integrity is a growing movement, one which finds Makoto Fujimura’s work at the vanguard.”..." from his website:

"What role do artists have in the mission of God? How does the everyday, working artist fit into God’s plan for the world? It’s a common question, and one of the first ones we received in the comments section of this site. It’s also a question that often goes unanswered, or is answered poorly. We think there is a simple answer that challenges Christian artists.

“The chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever,” according to the Westminster Shorter Catechism. This is clearly drawn from Scripture where we see that God is worthy to receive glory and praise (Rev. 4:11) and that everything we do should be done for the glory of God (1 Cor. 10:31). Artists are no different. We are called to glorify God. But what does that really mean, in practice, as we pursue our work?..." from the article: God's Call to Artists

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