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"The Rise of Ungodliness in America: How Godlessness is Impacting Our Nation"

Updated: Mar 31

"The Rise of Ungodliness in America: How Godlessness is Impacting Our Nation"
"The Rise of Ungodliness in America: How Godlessness is Impacting Our Nation"

"The Rise of Ungodliness in America: How Godlessness is Impacting Our Nation"

In my lifetime America has gone from Godlessness to Ungodliness.

As God has been removed from the hearts and minds of men sin has taken over as many make themselves a god in their mind. Selfishness and pride overpowers any sense of charity or reason to love their neighbor, or even love their family. Hate has become the social spiritual food of many on the internet and elsewhere.

One of the most obvious components of these tragedies is America's failure to help people who have a mental illness. I retired last year after being a nurse for many years and time after time the health care systems would eliminate Mental Health Care because it was too much trouble and too expensive. All of the many people who just needed counseling or medications were turned loose to deal with their illness on their own.

Now I must point out that many will point to evidence that mental illness accounts for very little of the mass shootings. This may indeed be the case and that the real problem is a lack of moral conscience, people don't value human life.

After mass shootings which are a regular event in America, few turn to God but return to the legal battles over guns, etc. And very few seem interested in helping the mentally ill as well. Politicians can spend millions on campaigns but we can't help the mentally ill in our society. We have lost all sense of community and basic compassion.

"Without God, there is no virtue because there is no prompting of the conscience … without God, there is a coarsening of the society; without God democracy will not and cannot long endure … If we ever forget that we are One Nation Under God, then we will be a Nation gone under." –Ronald Reagan.

What connection we had with our God as a nation is gone. We are a pagan nation in rebellion against God. And our culture and people are coming apart. You as a Christian can help delay God's wrath through your faithful relationship with him.

But our God forgives, and he will not ignore sin. Every sin in the world will be dealt with, either in hell or through the grace of the cross. God is uncompromising in justice, and yet he is merciful. Yahweh is a God of compassion toward his people, “abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness.” His love for us is not fleeting, fragile, impulsive, or unreliable. His heart is tender, gentle, lowly, steadfast, and unchanging.

The Lord, the Lord, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness, keeping steadfast love for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, but who will by no means clear the guilty. Exodus 34:6–7

We know God cares about all of life, and we know his Word is sufficient for all of life, even when a nation is given over to its sin. So be steadfast, persevere, daily develop your relationship with your Lord, pray, confess, and repent. You can be whom God uses to save our nation.

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