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Glorify God With Holiness - Father Spyridon

Video from Father Spyridon

Holiness Begins in Intimacy with Jesus

As I wrestle sin and fight for faith, I sometimes wish the pursuit of holiness came with some kind of equation.

If we wanted to be even holier, we could add in some regular accountability, small-group participation, evangelism, and fasting. Either way, this would be clear and predictable. This would make holiness manageable. This would give us control.

Then I remember a man who came to Jesus with a desire not so different from my own: “Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?” (Mark 10:17). The man’s equation was nearly complete: no murder, no adultery, no stealing, no lying (Mark 10:19–20). What variable was he missing? Then comes the answer that scatters every dream of a predictable pursuit of holiness: “You lack one thing: go, sell all that you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me” (Mark 10:21).." from the article: Holiness Begins in Intimacy with Jesus

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