God's Beautiful People
All of God's people are beautiful!
In God’s eyes, there is no distinction in the color of one’s skin. We are all loved and valued deeply by our Lord!. All people across the globe are individually, lovingly created image bearers.
“Race” is often defined as “a family, tribe, people, or nation belonging to the same stock” or “a class or kind of people unified by shared interests, habits, or characteristics” or “a category of humankind that shares certain distinctive physical traits.”
We may think race has to do with the color of one’s skin, yet that concept is “not rooted in Scripture but is a sociological construct., something the world does.
Mongolian nomads’ ultimate dilemma | SLICE I Full documentary
Video from SLICE
"Nomads in Mongolia have always had an intimate relationship with wolves, and travelled with the wild canines. But as the Mongolian economy has boomed drastically, a dilemma is imposed upon the nomads; maintain their relationships with nature, or cave in to the overwhelming force of the economy. Faced with the conundrum is a shepherd Purevjav. Wolves have been killing his livestock to feed themselves, and Purevjav is well aware of the value the wolves’ pelts hold if exported. To sustain his family, Purevjav is pressed to hunt the pack of wolves he considers scared. Documentary: "Taiga" Directed by: Hamid Sardar Production: A ProPos We fully own the rights to the use of the published content. Any illegal reproduction of this content will result in immediate legal action." from video
"Inside a traditional Mongolian tent, 72-year-old Nanjilmaa serves a fermented milk drink and passes around a plate of dairy candies.
She is a nomad – in the way that the people of her land have been for centuries. And she’s invited me in to learn a bit more about her culture.
It would be easy to, at first glance, think of Mongolia’s nomads as somehow old-fashioned or impoverished. But that would be wrong.
They live on the land not for necessity but because of choice. This is a Mongolian way of life and these people are the backbone of the country’s heritage. I think seeing this side of the country is one of the best things to do in Mongolia..."from the article: NOMADIC LIFE IN MONGOLIA