God's Forgiveness is Never Depleted: Acknowledging Our Daily Sins
As Christian's sin befuddles us. Pride lurks around every corner as does a whole host of sins that stubbornly reappear. Christ knew this about us when as our mediator from the very beginning in the Garden of Eden. He was able to look down the corridor of time at all of those people, his human family born and unborn to see their sins. His appointment on the Cross was set long ago. Our lives from the womb to the tomb were known intimately. Our sins were also known and so he died for all of those trillions and trillions of horrible sins.
We live now in the almost but not yet, the Age of the Church. Many souls are yet to be saved and we as God's co-regents will help him in that endeavor. But your sin, my sin has been wiped clean and no longer held against us.
In real time we still sin but the way Christ provided for accounting for those sins is relatively simple. 1 John 1:9, "If we confess our sins he will be faithful and just and forgive us of our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness." Pray, name the sins you remember and those he doesn't and Christ knows, he will forgive you of them also. Then the process of repentance, change your thinking, change your behavior. You may need to flee from that sin or stop whatever leads to that sin.
We often forget of how great and deep God's love for us is. Scripture says about God’s immeasurable love to us: “Your steadfast love, O LORD, extends to the heavens, your faithfulness to the clouds” Ps. 36:5. In Christ, God's love is as deep as the deepest pit in hell. It’s also as high as the highest mountain or highest court in heaven. Christ did not remain in the tomb. God's love for us not only extends to the far reaches of the cosmos but to the grave and back.