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Is There Hope for a Child Who Turns Away from Christ as a College Student?

Updated: Jun 30

Is There Hope for a Child Who Turns Away from Christ as a College Student?

"We have reason to hope and pray for our unbelieving children, even if they have walked away from the faith they once professed. From one of our live events, watch as R.C. Sproul and Derek Thomas deliver words of comfort for concerned parents." from video introduction

Even Jesus's family did not believe. According to the apostle John, “not even his brothers believed in him” (John 7:5). Those who had lived with Jesus for 30 years really did not know him and not one of Jesus’s brothers is mentioned as a disciple during his pre-crucifixion ministry. But after his resurrection and ascension, there they are in the upper room worshiping him as God (Acts 1:14).

The story of Jesus’s brothers can give us hope for our loved ones. During his ministry his brothers claimed that Jesus was “out of his mind” (Mark 3:21). At the time it must have seemed very unlikely that they would ever become his disciples. Eventually they did, but not just followers, but leaders and martyrs in the early church. God said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” shone in their hearts “to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of” their brother, Jesus (2 Corinthians 4:6).

Don’t give up praying for unbelieving family members. Don’t take their resistance as the final word as they may yet believe, and be used significantly in the Kingdom of God!

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