Jesus is Intimate With You Today & Everyday
We live in a time and culture wherein the reality that Christ is alive and among us has been usurped by materialism and science.
Yet around the world, there is still a culture that recognizes the reality of the unseen realm and how our Lord is always at work in it.
Many Christians have been force-fed secularism for so long that they have become functional Atheists.
The reality, the ultimate reality of the unseen realm is now being recognized again yet in a God-denying way as people seek a spiritual power that they can tailor-make their religion with. Universalism is very prominent and the old pagan religions are making the rounds again dressed up in contemporary high-tech modes and means designed to attract the dissatisfied.
Being fallen broken people in a fallen broken world carries with it many dangers. All of us will experience crises, accidents, suffering, and adversity in such a way that it seems God has no compassion, care, or even control of the world.
In our world, all kinds of voices come our way. The Devil’s toxic whispers come to us from every direction through quick, easy, and sinful solutions to our distress. Or perhaps like Job we receive the advice of a cynical friend or family member.
Job 2:9
9 His wife said to him, “Are you still maintaining your integrity? Curse God and die!”
Or our own inner selves fueled by exhaustion, sin, and shame operate with no hope or direction. We forget or run from God.
Here then is the ultimate reality we must acknowledge.
Our Lord knows of our seasons and walks with us through them even if we do not notice. Jesus does not always make things better or right. We will wonder and cry out to him asking where he is in the midst of our suffering and heartache.
The mystery is real.
We know so very little about our Lord, humanly speaking.
We know precious little about his childhood, adolescence, and early adulthood.
After Jesus's birth, the first Gospel tells us about the visit from magi in Matthew 2:1–12. His family’s flight to Egypt for a safe haven in Matthew 2:13–18. And then their eventual return upon the death of Herod in Matthew 2:19–23. The Book of Matthew then goes immediately to the ministry of John the Baptist, and then we find Jesus as a full-grown adult.
We wonder what his life was like as a boy, an adolescent, and a young adult.
Was he exceedingly smart and did his sinlessness frustrate his siblings? Was he a brilliant worker and carpenter?
God the Father has decided that all those things about his son are of no value to us.
But what we must understand and derive value from is that our Lord, our Savior lived a human life. He understands all our frustrations, disappointments, and sorrows. He has lived them.
When Jesus ascended in Acts 1:9-11 He went up with a human body. and He sits now in God’s presence in his humanity. And he promised He will return “in the same way as you saw him go into heaven”, in his humanity. Jesus still has a body, a “glorious body,” a perfected human body, a body we haven’t yet experienced. Christ promised us a day will come when we will be transformed as well.
So today as we pursue our relationship with Jesus know He walks with us, and is aware of what we think and what we do. He knows your deepest frustrations and desires. He knows of your besetting sins and he grieves for you.
In the scripture below Timothy refers to Jesus in the present, in the now.
1 Timothy 2:5
There is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus.
Every day God the Father gives us opportunities to make progress here and there in our lives. This is the day the Lord has made and in which he has made us to exist. He has reconciled us to Himself in Christ to whom we conform a little day by day.
Be with Him as He is with You!
Philippians 2:5-8
Our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body to be like his glorious body, by the power that enables him even to subject all things to himself.