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Unlocking the Truth: Exploring the Mysteries of UFO "Legacy" Programs

Updated: Apr 14

Unlocking the Truth: Exploring the Mysteries of UFO "Legacy" Programs

"Is the UFO/UAP issue real? If it is real, what is it? If we're in contact with a non-human intelligence, what are the details? Are we going to tell ourselves the truth? What will happen then?

Ross and Bryce are back, explain where they've been, and dive into three deep subjects: First: new language from the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence that may grant immunity for potential witnesses not only in government but in private aerospace. Also: Is Gary Nolan the new Lue Elizondo? The Stanford professor has been raising his profile in the UAP community, and has granted Ross a wide-ranging and shocking interview (which we'll play in a later episode). Finally, a discussion that only begins to tackle the subject: how will we change in a post-disclosure world -- after most of the world acknowledges that we are not alone? "Need to Know with Coulthart and Zabel" is a podcast first, available on Apple, Spotify, iHeart or wherever you get your podcasts. Served straight up with solid talk where Ross and Bryce springboard off any breaking news on the UAP/UFO issue into compelling segments about everything from the 1947 Summer of the Saucers to same day coverage of the May 17 congressional hearings." from video introduction

This discussion between Coulthart and Zabel is lucid and unpretentious. We are seeing a vail being lifted. As Christians we know that the Unseen Realm surrounds us and has its own environment and creatures within it.

Even though the secular world is determined to make this complex phenomenon and all its many creatures and entities etc. are from outer space we can actually already see that some like Jacques Vallee, and others understand that what we are seeing is vast, complex, very old and more than likely terrestrial in origin.

Time will tell what we will know or learn soon. - Andy

‘This is Urgent’: Bipartisan Proposal for UFO Office Pushes New Boundaries

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand says in an exclusive interview she is concerned about the impact of encounters on military personnel.

A bipartisan proposal to create a more expansive military and intelligence program to study UFOs is urgently needed to determine whether unexplained sightings by Navy and Air Force pilots pose a threat or are evidence of some “other entity,” the lead sponsor said Wednesday.

“If it is technology possessed by adversaries or any other entity, we need to know,” Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) said in her first interview about the effort. “Burying our heads in the sand is neither a strategy nor an acceptable approach.”

Gillibrand is behind an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act that is being debated this week to create an ‘‘Anomaly Surveillance and Resolution Office” with authority to pursue “any resource, capability, asset, or process of the Department and the intelligence community” to get to the bottom of the sightings of “unidentified aerial phenomena,” or UAPs. It would also require regular public reports about sensitive topics that until recently were considered to be on the fringe, including whether the government has any materials from the incidents of UFOs or data on any biological or health effects linked to any encounters. “We’ve not had oversight into this area for a very long time,” Gillibrand said. “I can count on one hand the number of hearings I had in 10 years on this topic. That’s fairly concerning given the experience our service members have had over the last decade.” The measure goes well beyond a similar provision that was adopted as part of the House version of the bill, or previous public effortsto study UAPs. Gillibrand, a member of the Armed Services and Intelligence committees, said she was heavily influenced by the “repeated reports over the last two or three years of these increased sightings by Navy pilots and Air Force pilots.” She believes the fact that the possible explanations are so varied is why a dedicated effort is required. “You have a million questions that must be answered for a million reasons,” she said, citing “the entire spectrum of unidentified aerial phenomena.” “You’re talking about drone technology, you’re talking about balloon technology, you’re talking about other aerial phenomena, and then you’re talking about the unknown,” she said. “Regardless of where you fall on the question of the unknown, you have to answer the rest of the questions. That’s why this is urgent. That’s why having no oversight or accountability up until now to me is unacceptable.” Her amendment also would create a separate “aerial and transmedium advisory committee” made up of experts from NASA, the FAA, the National Academies of Sciences, the head of the Galileo Project at Harvard University, the director of the Optical Technology Center at Montana State University, the Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies, and the American Institute of Astronautics and Aeronautics. “You have to have the smartest, most informed minds from the world convening on these issues so you know what you’re up against,” Gillibrand said. The increased attention follows a preliminary assessment from the director of national intelligence in June that reviewed more than 140 UAP incidents that could not be readily explained, including 18 that maneuvered in ways that appeared to defy known aerodynamics. “There’s always the question of ‘is there something else that we simply do not understand, that might come extraterrestrially?’” DNI Avril Haines said during a public forum last week. Gillibrand, who chairs the personnel subcommittee on Armed Services, said she is also concerned for military service members, who she contends have often been ostracized, including some who have reported what they believe to be related health effects. “When you tell people, ‘don’t report a sighting of something that’s odd or out of the norm because people will say ‘you’re crazy,’ or you’ll lose your credibility as an airman or as a naval aviator, you’re obviously not going to report it if something is wrong with your health. The same response was received with people who were experiencing Havana Syndrome,” she said, referring to the recent mysterious injuries experienced by diplomats and other personnel. “The treatment with which our service members have been subjected is unacceptable,” Gillibrand added. “When this happens over and over in the military, people learn to keep their mouth shut.” She has enlisted several co-sponsors from both parties, including Republicans Marco Rubio, Lindsey Graham, Roy Blunt and fellow Democrat Martin Heinrich. “I don’t see opposition to this on any level,” she said. While she mostly couches her effort in national security terms, the former presidential candidate also acknowledges that the “sci-fi” implications of UFOs also compelled her to take action. “The first question I got when I got on the Intelligence Committee was ‘Mom, tell us about the aliens.’ I go, ‘I know nothing about it,’” she recalled conversations with her two sons. “I’m getting the coolest mom jersey for sure this year.” Indeed, she is clearly enjoying her role, joking how Congress’ oversight may lead to a congressional delegation visiting new destinations or dimensions. “And then as soon as we plan a CODEL, I’ll let you know,” Gillibrand quipped. ”The outer space CODEL is coming.”..from the article: ‘This is urgent’: Bipartisan proposal for UFO office pushes new boundaries

The Pentagon's Upcoming UFO Report, Explained

Video from Politico

"From Star Wars, to the X Files and most recently, Khloe Kardashian’s quest for alien life in Calabasas, UFOs and extraterrestrial life is a popular topic in entertainment in pop culture. It’s a very different story for politicians. For decades, politicians have steered clear of this topic out of fear of being labeled tinfoil hat wearing kooks. Politico’s senior national correspondent, Bryan Bender has covered national security for years, which to his surprise now includes a UFO beat. He was one of the first journalists to uncover the existence of the Pentagon’s AATIP office. In that time he has met UFO enthusiasts, researchers and even a few politicians to better report on UAPs. In this video follow along as Bryan acts as a guide to this strange and confusing world, and then go and read Bryan’s full report on how Washington is beginning to embrace this fringe world." from video introduction

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