Video from Desiring God
Look at the Book: Our Minds Were Hostile to God: Colossians 1:21–23, Part 1
What God Thinks About You
Our Minds Were Hostile to God
"We all want to know who we are. We seek and search and try to “find ourselves.” Many of us have taken personality tests and other assessments. We learn that we are a lion, a beaver, an ENFP, an activator, a competitor, a high I, high D.
But as helpful as those tests can be, have you ever stopped to ask, “What does God think about me? Who does he say that I am?”
In all my years as a Christian, I had never asked the question quite this way until recently. And what I found is that God has a lot to say about what he thinks about us — a whole Bible full. But if we could summarize it in a short space, here’s how it might sound..." from the article: What God Thinks About You