As we rebel against God in our hearts and our culture the paganism of the past assimilates into our present.
We can call this Neo (new) paganism but it is nothing new.
The Demonic entities that have retreated because of Christianity in a culture now return to fill the vacuum.
Across America, people have made many things, in fact everything their idol.
We all worship something.
A perfect example of neo-paganism is the recent opening ceremony at The Olympics.
Can people be more sinful to our Lord?
Scripture assures us that God will not be mocked.
As Christians, we must continue to be aware and outraged at how the world of sin rebels against God.
Pray, repent, and continue to put the Gospel out into the world.
Neo-Paganism: Ep 5 with the CultishShow
Video from Right Response Ministries
"Neo-Paganism is the sinister foundation for virtually every cult. If you understand it properly, you can see through all the lies." from the video introduction
Olympic Blasphemy Because, Why Not? | Blog & Mablog
Video from Blog & Mablog
"The blasphemous fiasco of the opening ceremonies of the Olympics blew up while I was traveling, and so I begin by recognizing that I am late to the party. I would apologize for that if it were in any way my own fault, but in this case at least, it was not. I didn’t even get to post before an inadequate apology was dragged out of them." from the video introduction