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Philippa Boyens (Writer LOTR Films)Talks War of the Rohirrim!

Philippa Boyens (Writer LOTR Films)Talks War of the Rohirrim!

"During my time in Wellington, I caught up with Philippa Boyens (The Lord of the Rings & The Hobbit trilogies)! Here, she discusses her latest adventure in Middle-earth: the anime film The War of the Rohirrim! We are also introduced to screenwriters Phoebe Gittins and Arty Papageorgiou in their first official interview for the film!

The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim releases December 13, 2024. Taking place 260 years before The Lord of the Rings, the story finds Rohan invaded by the Dunlendings. The story eventually finds Rohan's king, Helm Hammerhand, taking refuge in the fortress that will one day bear his name.


Brian Cox - Helm Hammerhand

Miranda Otto - Éowyn (narrator)

Gaia Wise - Hera

Luke Pasqualino - Wulf

Laurence Ubong Williams - Fréaláf Hildeson

Shaun Dooley - Freca

from video introduction

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