As C.S. Lewis once said one of the greatest dangers we face is our disbelief in Satan and the Demonic Forces that surround us.
Today You and I by a combination of a weak church in America and our secular culture have been brainwashed into disregarding the Spiritual Warfare and Demonic dangers that attack us everyday!
The Demonic powers that war with us are not impressed by our intellect or our talents and abilities. What impresses them, what makes them fearful is the strength of the Spirit of God and the weapons he provides for us.
Those weapons have divine power which can destroy the works of the devil and his demons and help us to stand firm in these evil days.
2 Corinthians 10:4
4 For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds.
1 John 3:8
8 Whoever makes a practice of sinning is of the devil, for the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil.
Ephesians 6:13
13 Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm.
We all foolishly assume that it is our willpower that keeps us from being influenced by Demonic attacks or we assume God is keeping evil at bay in our immediate vicinity but that is not the entire reality.
The powers of Demons include speaking to us suggestively to influence us to sin or become distracted form the Christians life, from scripture form doing good in Christ's name.
God will keep a barrier around us o prevent a full on demonic attack but when we sin and fail to confess our sins and we repeated sin we become hard of heart and our thinking, our souls spiral into depravity.
Our lives, our minds must be focused on Christ in prayer, in confession of sins, in repenting of sinful behavior so that The Person of the Holy Spirit can prepare us for Christ to come into our human spirit.
Do not forsake your Lord this day!
Get Ready--Satan Plans Malignant Attacks on You Today
Video from DTBM
"Satan is constantly prowling the world seeking to demote God and derail God’s work from being accomplished on Earth among people, but we are called to resist and stand against him. The confidence we have assures us as Romans 8 says, that we are “more than conquerors through Christ”. As we learn and grow today we will find Satan is a defeated foe, a weakened adversary and a crushed enemy. We through Jesus Christ have the victory. Satan is Resisting God’s Work on Earth Today Bad, evil, dark, fearsome, and deadly are just a few terms that would describe this realm that God intentionally opens for His Church to see, comprehend, and prepare for in our daily lives. This morning as we open our Bibles to Revelation 9, we are opening to the fifth trumpet. Just a quick glance at the map will help orient us to where we are and where we have been. • Revelation 1 is the Risen Lord Jesus Christ, where John introduced us to Jesus Christ as He is right now, the Risen Lord of the Church He has purchased with His own blood. • Revelation 2-3 contains the Seven Church Visits, as John records the unannounced visits Jesus made to see if the churches were following His Word, or slipping away. Only one or at the most, two of the churches were staying true to the Book left as their plan for being good and faithful servants. • Revelation 4-5 gives us a peek at the Worship in Heaven, as John is shown the Throne of God Almighty, as we see worship from the redeemed plus all the creatures of God encircling His Throne. • Revelation 6-19 lays out God’s Plans for the End of Human History, we are introduced us to the future wrath of God upon sinful humanity. Seven Seal judgments spread from Rev. 6:1-8:1; Seven Trumpet judgments stretch from Rev. 8:1-11:15; Seven Bowl judgments fill Rev. 16:1-21. Then Jesus Christ returns in Rev. 19. So we could say that as we open to Revelation 9 we are opening up to lessons from God’s plan for the future at the sounding of the 5th trumpet. As we saw last time: Trumpet Five: Only God can Defeat the Devil & Demons.' from video introduction
What Spiritual Warfare Actually Means
Video from Dr. Michael S. Heiser
"When I get asked what is spiritual warfare, okay, it's not shouting at demons. It's not these confrontational things that we think of as spiritual warfare, like we're Ghostbusters or something. I've talked to plenty of missionaries, and they have those episodes, they're real, and it could happen. But that is not the ultimate end game. It's not even the ultimate battle. It's not really even what it's about. You just ask yourself a simple question: What do the powers of darkness fear? They fear their own destruction, which means they fear the success of the Great Commission." from video introduction
Lucifer & What GOD Wants Us to Know About The Most Powerful Creature in the Universe
Video from DTBM
"The Supernatural Person called Satan This powerful, supernatural person shows up all the way through the Book of Revelation. By the time we get to chapter 12 we find the most complete explanation of him that makes all the pieces fit. Turn there with me there, to Revelation 12:3-4a (NKJV), and follow along as I read what God says: And another sign appeared in heaven: behold, a great, fiery red dragon having seven heads and ten horns, and seven diadems on his heads. 4 His tail drew a third of the stars of heaven and threw them to the earth. In this verse we meet a dragon; then in the next verse (v. 4) this dragon draws a third of the angels under his control; then move on down to v. 7 and we see that there are two groups of angels Michael and the un-fallen angels of God vs. the Dragon and his fallen angels. Now, look at v. 9, which becomes like a Rosetta Stone that connects together several of the pieces of the world of Satan and his angels. Satan is the Devil, the Dragon, the Serpent, the Deceiver. In Rev. 12:9 we see God connecting Genesis with Revelation and everything in between. Here are the key points: 1. Satan is the Dragon (think of the book of Revelation); is also: 2. Satan is the Serpent of Old (think Eve in Garden of Eden); who is also: 3. Satan is the Devil (think wilderness temptation of Christ); who is also: 4. Satan is the Wicked one (think 1 John 5); who is also 5. Satan is the Accuser of the brethren (think of the book of Job scene); who is none other than: 6. Satan; who is the fallen and twisted version of the greatest of the angels named: 7. Lucifer. Here, in one verse God ties together the Cunning Serpent of the Garden that drew mankind into sin, with the Accuser of Job, with the Devil of Christ's Temptation, with Satan the Adversary of all that God is doing. All of these various depictions of Lucifer (Isaiah 14, Ezk. 28), fallen to become Satan the Devil, are united here in this verse. Bottom line: Satan is Dangerous." from video introduction