Video from Strongtower27
Sunni Muslim Doctor Meets Jesus
Watch this wonderful testimony of how a Sunni Muslim Doctor met Jesus and now worships Him!
"According to Shay Katiri, writing in Providence: A Journal of Christianity and American Foreign Policy, “Islam is the fastest shrinking religion there [in Iran], while Christianity is growing the fastest.” In 1994, there were some 100,000 Christians in Iran, mostly members of very ancient churches — Armenian, Assyrian and Chaldean. In 2018, the U.S. State Department estimated that there were 500,000 Christian converts from Muslim families. Today the estimate is between one and three million.
Most of the Christian converts in Iran are women. Their beliefs are evangelical. They meet in secret in underground churches in each other’s homes. The women share contraband Bibles and are spreading the Gospel to other women whom they know. A documentary entitled Sheep Among Wolves, available free online, tells their story." from the article: Muslims Becoming Christians