Video from God's Able
The Book of 1 Samuel - Narrated by David Suchet
"All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness [ 2 Timothy 3:16 ]" from video introduction.
"The Old Testament book of 1 Samuel is a record of triumph and tragedy. Its three main characters, Samuel the prophet, Saul, and David are among the most powerful people in the Bible, yet their lives were scarred by far-reaching mistakes.
The people of Israel thought their nation would be more successful if they were led by a king, like the surrounding countries. 1 Samuel tells the story of Israel's change from a theocracy, a country run by God, to a monarchy, a country led by human royalty.
Samuel was the last of Israel's judges and the first of its prophets. Saul, anointed by Samuel, became Israel's first king. David, son of Jesse and Israel's second king, began a family dynasty that ultimately produced the Savior of the World, Jesus Christ.." from the article: Introduction to the Book of 1 Samuel