Rome became a vital culture in the development of humanity.
Much of our Western culture and much of our industry has its roots in Roman intellect, science, and architecture to name a few. Art as we know it was also influenced by the art of Rome.
Roman artists included sculpting as a large part of the cultural expression of their worldview.
The Roman Empire was pagan for the majority of its lifespan. It was only after it began to dissolve that eventually, Christianity became the official religion of Rome.
God used the Roman Empire's place in history to start Christianity. Jesus Christ was executed by the Roman Authorities in Jerusalem.
Therefore the Roman Empire and all that it entails remains a source of fascination.
Roman Sculpture remains some of the most impressive in the world. Interestingly very little is known about the men who chiseled and chipped these massive shapes out of hard rock.

The Colossal Statues of Imperial Rome
"Roman Sculpture blended the idealized perfection of Classical Greek sculpture with a greater aspiration for realism. It also absorbed artistic preferences and styles from the East to create images in stone and bronze which rank among the finest works from antiquity. With artists working across a huge empire and ever-changing public tastes over centuries, Roman sculpture is remarkable for its variety.
Aside from their own unique contribution, Roman sculptors have also, with their popular copies of earlier Greek masterpieces, preserved for posterity invaluable works that would have otherwise been completely lost to world art, particularly works by Greek artists made in valuable bronze..." from the article: Roman Sculpture
Video from Darius Arya Digs
"Imperial Rome was filled with Roman statuary. Many of them were truly colossal, that is, over-life-sized. Let's look at a number of them that are preserved. Some have become part of collections outside of Rome (e.g., Naples, Parma), but we'll contextualize them all in the confines of imperial Rome! This is not an exhaustive list, but a good start! " from the video introduction