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The Cult of Self - Chris Hedges

Updated: Sep 14, 2021

Video from Sustainable Human

"Story by Chris Hedges Why is worshipping celebrities so destructive to both ourselves and our world? Chris Hedges explains why." from video introduction.

"When you spend your life as a celebrity, you have no idea who you are. And yet we measure our lives by these celebrities. We seek to be like them. We emulate their look and behavior. We escape the messiness of real life through the fantasy of their stardom. We too long to attract admiring audiences for our grand ongoing life movie. We try to see ourselves moving through our life as a camera would see it, mindful of how we hold ourselves, how we dress, what we say. We have learned ways of speaking and thinking that grossly disfigure the way we relate to the world and those around us. The fantasy of celebrity culture is not designed simply to entertain. It is designed to drain us emotionally, .." and so Chris hedges describes our obsession with Self, our self-absorption. from video transcript.

“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets.” (Matthew 22:36–40)

We have become a very selfish people. We are prideful and stiff-necked.

Jesus lived out his selflessness and sacrifice by the increasing lowliness of his life, even to death. Throughout his ministry of just a few years, he selflessly gave his time, energy, and resources for the sake of others. Paul says that Christ “made himself nothing” and took on “the very nature of a servant.” Paul admonishes and urges us to embrace this mentality: “Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 2:5–8).

The world, the flesh and the devil would like you to be so self-obsessed that you forget all about Christ and living a Christ-like life. Be distracted looking in the mirror. Be shallow and selfish. be self-reflective, where are you in your life today?

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