Video from Grace to You
The Doctrine of Absolute Inability (Selected Scriptures) [Audio Only] - John MacArthur
'We have embarked upon a wonderful study of some very important doctrines on these Sunday nights. And from my viewpoint, it’s kind of open ended. I’m just kind of following the flow and seeing where it goes. But I’m having a wonderful time. As you well know through all these years, we predominantly, if not almost always, work through texts of scripture, and that way we are obligated to affirm what the Word of God says because it’s what it says. And there is always the, I suppose, potential accusation that when you leave the flow of expositional preaching and you embark upon a topical study or a doctrinal study, you may be caught up in something philosophical, you may be caught up in something rational, or something logical and you may be drawing conclusions that wouldn’t stand the test of scripture.
And so I want to affirm to you that everything that I say I trust will be before your very eyes drawn out of scripture. And I would encourage you, like the noble Bereans, to do a little work yourself and search the scripture and see if these things are so. I certainly don’t want to bring to you a rational theology, although it’s not irrational. I don’t want to bring to you a philosophical approach to theology. I don’t want to follow the path of human reason to conclude the things we conclude. I want to bring you what the Word of God has to say and the Word of God does speak to these very, very important doctrinal issues.
Just by way of brief review, we started out when we ended the book of Jude, by looking at the doctrine of the perseverance of the saints or the preservation of the saints. That is to say that if you’re ever saved, you’ll always have the hope of eternal life. You cannot ever be unsaved. You can’t lose your salvation, because he is able to keep us from falling and to present us before his presence with great glory. That’s how Jude ends..." from the Transcript