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The Glory of an ‘Ordinary’ Life

Be Ordinary!

Stop the futile and delusional efforts to be famous, and be an influencer.

God is not impressed with your prideful efforts nor is the world around you.

God is present everywhere and just as Christ Jesus thrived in the ordinary so can we.

There is glory in being a mom, raising children, and being a dad.

There is glory in being unknown by everyone but God!

Focus on Christ, focus on taking care of the people around you, encourage them, and help them in any way you can. Be present, pay attention to people's needs, pray with them introduce them to the living Christ.

In the excellent article below written by Jon Bloom of Desiring God reminds us that we are not called to be famous but faithful to God and those around us.

Don't be fooled by our culture being ordinary is honorable and worthwhile.

I could not find any of Audry Standquist's paintings instead I present a Grant Wood painting about "Threshers".

"Dinner for the Threshers" by Garnt Wood
"Dinner for the Threshers" by Garnt Wood

"To the left of my desk is an original oil painting by an award-winning artist named Audrey Strandquist. Unless you live about an hour west of Minneapolis and are above the age of fifty, I doubt you’ve seen her work. Audrey was my wife’s maternal grandmother, and her awards were conferred mainly at regional fairs. She typically painted landscapes, but in the painting next to me, titled “Threshing” and dated August 8, 1940, she beautifully captured a portrait of her tall, strong 24-year-old soon-to-be farmer husband, Wally, standing next to a bin of freshly threshed grain. In the background is a field of mature corn. Audrey was 23 when she applied the oils to this old canvas.

Audrey passed away in October 1998, and Wally in April 2013. Both are buried a short distance from the farm they worked from the time they married well into their elder years, in a small cemetery next to the little evangelical country church they faithfully attended and served for most of their lives. They were what we might be tempted to call “ordinary folk.” But that would be a misnomer, an oxymoron of colossal proportions.

There actually exists no such thing: as an ordinary human life. To think a life is ordinary is to believe a delusion. It reveals the shameful fact that we can barely bear true beauty — we who tire quickly of sunsets, often curse the rain, find wind an inconvenience, and define boring as watching the grass grow. How strange that we find violent virtual deaths in our films more captivating than the gentle life that miraculously awakens when buried, pushes up through the dark soil, catches the sunlight for food, and grows into a brilliantly green brushstroke of beauty in the very real landscape art we view every day..." from the article The Wild Glory of an ‘Ordinary’ Life

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