We are obsessed with our cell phones!
Christians are no exception to this unhealthy obsession.
So I ask you, do you attend to God's Holy Word as much as you attend to your cell phone?
We have no excuses as we hve access to more about God and scripture than any time in history.
Do you profess to "not be of this world" yet you spend no time in scripture or in prayer??
Video from Reveal Nation
The Holy Bible: What If We Treated The Bible Like Our Cellphones?
"The Holy Bible: What If We Treated The Bible Like Our Cellphones? The Bible never loses signal nor does it ever needs to be charged because of a low battery. The scriptures contain some very important numbers and always connects. The Bible does not require a monthly bill to be paid because it has already been paid up for eternity. The Bible, what if we loved it as we love our phones? What if we turned around and return home if we left it behind? What if we gave bibles to our children as gifts? The Holy Bible. It contains many messages. What if we scrolled through and read them as we do To our text messages? What if we loved our bibles as our phones? What if..." from video introduction