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The Truth of It: The Fear Factor (Do You Fear God or Men?)

Updated: Apr 2

The Truth of It: The Fear Factor (Do You Fear God or Men?)

"How will you navigate the decisions to come in this brave new world? Stop focussing on yourself. The Spirit of God gives power, love, and a sound mind. (2 Tim 1:7). Stop being afraid. If you're a Christian, shake yourself up and tell yourself you're off track if you are fearful. Don't worry about your inadequacies. Have confidence in His abilities. Don't look at yourself. That will always bring fear. Look to God which is faith. Look at the Spirit He has given you. The Spirit of God is strong, is love, and is wise, giving you a sound mind. You have what you need to face the uncertainty that lies ahead and so do I. The future is unknown. I don't know where this is going. It's beyond me. It's beyond you. We fear because we're confronted with our own weakness. He says, fear not. I will be with you. Martyn Iles speaks truth on the fear of the future." from the video introduction.

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