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Modernism vs. Postmodernism

Updated: May 6

"Modernism and Postmodernism are two cultural stages with their own worldviews. In this episode, we talk about the emergence and differences between these ages and look at the contrast between postmodern philosophy and the Modern philosophy of the Enlightenment that preceded it.

This episode is an exploration of the two worldviews whose conflict is so prominent in our world today." from the video introduction

Modernism vs. Postmodernism

There have been for many years men of God who had the perception through the Holy Spirit to see what was happening and what was coming in our nation (and the world). Francis Schaeffer was one of them. Schaeffer’s book Death in the City (1969) and other books like Escape from Reason (1968) criticized the religious establishment of the day for buying into moral relativism rather than challenging it. False prophets in Jeremiah’s day painted evil as good and denied that there would be a judgment (14:14–15). In our time so-called Christian ministers seem to deny the revelation of God’s salvation in Christ and present evil as good and good as evil.

Schaeffer explained in those books and other articles that in the modern age, people had looked for answers to our problems through human reason and technology without God. As that did not work, we soon arrived at postmodernism. Liberal theologians and other elites searched the wreckage of the postmodern rejection of all truth claims for solutions but found none. In a matter of a few years, dysfunctional postmodern ideas had filtered down to the average citizen through entertainment and the many types of media leaving humanity adrift in an ocean of unreason and untruth.

“Americans were no less greedy, ignorant, selfish and violent then than they are today, and no more generous, fair-minded and idealistic. But the institutions of American democracy, stronger than the excesses of individuals, were normally able to contain and channel them to more useful ends. Human nature does not change, but social structures can, and they did… The large currents of the past generation – deindustrialization, the flattening of average wages, the financialization of the economy, income inequality, the growth of information technology, the flood of money into Washington, and the rise of the political right – all had their origins in the late 70s. The US became more entrepreneurial and less bureaucratic, more individualistic and less communitarian, more free and less equal, more tolerant and less fair. Banking and technology, concentrated on the coasts, turned into engines of wealth, replacing the world of stuff with the world of bits, but without creating broad prosperity, while the heartland hollowed out. The institutions that had been the foundation of middle-class democracy, from public schools and secure jobs to flourishing newspapers and functioning legislatures, were set on the course of a long decline. It as a period that I call the Unwinding…. It is no wonder that more and more Americans believe the game is rigged. It is no wonder that they buy houses they cannot afford and then walk away from the mortgage when they can no longer pay. Once the social contract is shredded, once the deal is off, only suckers still play by the rules.”

“The American Century, proclaimed so triumphantly at the start of World War II, may already be tattered and fading by 2025 and, except for the finger-pointing, could be over by 2030,” writes McCoy.

McCoy sees the election of Donald Trump to the Presidency as a defining moment. He does not think Trump himself is the cause of the waning American power, but rather a symptom of it. Nonetheless, McCoy regards Trump as likely to hasten the downward trajectory.

As I have pointed out in the past I am not the only one. The Cult of Trump (the GOP and Trump's followers) and the deluded among us are grasping at straws, seeking to reconstruct America as a nostalgic “Christian Nation” that never really existed. Trump is a soft Fascist that will along with the liberal policies of others contribute to our demise. He is just one part of the system of self-destruction we are in.

We have indeed become slaves to the sin we have manufactured through our human thinking and viewpoint. Like Israel of old, we have traded sin for what God has offered. We as Christians claim allegiance to God but practice allegiance to a politician. We shout conspiracies as we ignore scripture.

So here is the thing! Throughout human history, mighty empires have collapsed and the Kingdom of God has continued on and endured. As we are part of this nation, our story, and God’s plan our part is the same as it always has been. To love God above all else, to not put our faith in men but in Christ, to develop a relationship with our Lord through prayer, confession, and repentance. To help others in our community and family. To be involved in government as a light and not part of the problem.

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