Video from Remnant Radio
What Does a Healthy Church Look Like?
What does a healthy church look like? With the current state of the church in America that is a legitimate question.
DL Moody once said, "Out of 100 men, one will read the Bible, the other 99 will read the Christian." You and I are walking representations of Jesus to the world around us, and even to our own families.” Many people call themselves Christians but that doesn't mean they are a good representation of Jesus. In fact, all of us Christians fail in different ways to represent the amazing love, grace of Jesus.
Christianity in the world is plagued with misrepresentations and misunderstandings. It should be the goal of every Christian to walk true to the characteristics that Christ would call out of our lives. Churches are no different as they are filled with the same sinful imperfect people seeking to live life and serve God. But some are more successful than others. Pastor Mark Dever describes what he thinks is a healthy church.