Video from DTBM
When the End Comes for Your Life are You Ready to Die Triumphantly?
Are you as a Christian ready to die and to die well?
"Hope In Jesus When Life Is Painful The message Christ gives is so simple in verse 10: The entire message to this church is: fear not. The most important lesson for each of us from this church is: fear not. No matter what lies ahead in our daily lives, health lives, career, finances, or anything else, the message is simply fear not. God does not give us a spirit of fear, the world, our flesh, and the Devil do, but God does not. Fear not, instead in v. 10 Christ says: be faithful, trust Me! Why? v. 8 Jesus was crushed for our sins Look again at v. 8 and the very name of this church is written as: “Smyrna”. This word is not only the name of this assembly, Smyrna is also the Greek word translated “myrrh”. It is a substance taken from a thorny tree and was the chief product of this city, the seaport of Myrrh. Myrrh is always associated with suffering and death, because it is produced by injuring the bark of the tree, each cut made by knife or machete is healed with the resin from which is refined myrrh. How To Die Triumphantly And unless Christ returns soon, all of us face the inevitability of death. Are you ready? Have you planned for the spiritual aspects of your death? So many only get the funeral arrangements and life insurance in order. There is so much more to plan and prepare for as a Christian. The Bible teaches us much about Dying Right! In the Scriptures we find some good ways to die, as modeled by saints who have gone before us: JOSEPH Dies Pointing To The Faithfulness of God (Genesis 50:24) David Dies Exhorting His Family To Follow God (1 Kings 2:1-4) Stephen Dies Praising God (Acts 7:59-60) Paul Dies Finishing The Plan God Gave Him (2 Timothy 4:6-8) (REV 1-5-5; 181002)" from video introduction.