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WHEN WE SURRENDER--Here Are The Amazing Things We Are When God Consecrates Us - Dr. John Barnett

Video from DTBM

"Well, let’s find out. Turn to Luke 9.23. What does Jesus say? He says that what we lose for Him we get to keep forever. What we find and keep for ourselves we lose forever. So in reality Losers are Keepers and Keepers are the Weepers! One of the best illustrations of that is in the tale of two men – one who lost and gained and one who gained and lost it all. Sometimes I am amazed at some of the unexpected opportunities I had growing up. Let me share just one. I was about 9 years old. My family was caring for an 88-year-old saint from our church named Dora Kaiser. Now Mrs. Kaiser was quite adventurous but also very weak. She always wanted to go with us but usually had to find a place to sit down soon after she got anywhere. My dad heard that a famous exhibit was coming to the Museum of Detroit and wanted us to go. I wasn’t sure what we were going to see but it was exciting all the same. After the 90-minute ride we rolled up to the curb in downtown Detroit. Soon we saw that there was a line half a block long waiting to get in. So I was assigned to take Mrs. Kaiser to find a comfortable bench inside where we were to sit and wait. Turning we saw people coming out a door just in front of where we parked by the curb. So being obedient I guided my elderly friend through the crowd saying excuse me as I went in search of a soft seat for her to rest while we waited. Within moments of entering the building, I was astounded as we began to walk by glass cases filled with gold objects. More gold than either of us had seen in the 97 years we had lived between us. Mrs. Kaiser never found a bench. In fact, we never stopped looking in amazement at row after row of displays. Finally, after half an hour Mrs. Kaiser stood with me at a large square box of stone with a glass top. Looking down I found myself looking into the serene face of a three thousand years old -- teenager. Here was the teen that died mysteriously, 30 centuries ago, yet most of the civilized world today recognizes and is familiar with his face. I was overwhelmed at the warmth of the gold, the sparkling beauty of the gems that make up the final resting place of the boy king. The golden mask with its exquisite beauty has an almost spiritual quality to it. I noticed that each person who came to stand by me reacted the same way – with quiet awe and wonder. I was standing next to the earthly remains of the man who seems to sum up all that was the best of one of the greatest of all the Ancient World’s Civilizations. I was face to face with Tutankhamun -- the 12th Pharaoh of Ancient Egypt’s 18th Dynasty. After about 45 more minutes of wandering in amazement through the King Tut exhibit at the Museum of Detroit, we actually bumped into my parents. They had just made it in. After waiting in the half a city block long line and paying the $5 fee, they were now starting to view “The Treasures of Ancient Egypt Exhibit” – which I had just finished viewing! Almost 20 years later as an adult, I stood at the same stone box in Cairo, Egypt. And just as the first time, King Tut glowed with wonder. This boy was buried with tons of golden treasures that were so numerous that it took Howard Carter nearly ten years to catalog each one of them. So why am I giving so much detail? Because, the grave of Tutankhamun is such a tragic reminder of a wasted life, with a horrible ending – a life lived only for earth, and not for Heaven.' from video introduction.

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