Video from Blog & Mablog
Jim & Bessie | Blog and Mablog
"Parents are not in charge of which particular impressions they will make on their children, or on which particular memories their children will treasure for the rest of their lives. The parents may work, prepare, save money, and plan for that “special vacation” somewhere, which none of the children remember, and yet leave an indelible mark “that time we stopped for popsicles in Potlatch on the way back from the baptism.” from the video introduction
"Honor is not an invisible thing. When the Bible tells us to honor the emperor, or to respect all men, or to honor our fathers and mothers, this is not referring to an invisible attitude tucked away somewhere in our hearts. Honor must be expressed and shown, and not some cliched and trite greeting card affection either, but rather respect and honor displayed. But in order for this honor to be biblically shown, it must be public. Of course the more the recipient is worthy of this kind of honor, the less comfortable he is with it when it is rendered. The Pharisees used to angle for the Piety Awards, one eye always on the grandstands, and no godly person wants to be mistaken for one of them. But while the Bible prohibits a certain kind of honor-seeking, it simultaneously requires that honor be given. Moreover, it requires this at the center of our lives. The Lord’s Ten Words require that we honor our parents..." from the Transcript