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Stay Sharp! Fighting for Your Intellectual Life - Matthew Everhard

Updated: Dec 21, 2023

Video from Matthew Everhard

Stay Sharp! Fighting for Your Intellectual Life - Matthew Everhard

Christianity Can Be the Safest Space for Truth-Seeking Intellectuals

"Free thinking, fearlessly open dialogue, a willingness to voice unpopular ideas: these are increasingly endangered species in a society ever more surveilled by Orwellian thought police. A new, fundamentalistic secular religion has emerged, with tenets that demand total adherence. To question the logic of any aspect of this secular creed—for example, a statement like “transgender women are women”—is to be branded a hateful heretic. Books that logically challenge prevailing orthodoxies are being banned by Amazon. There are countless more examples..." from the article: Christianity Can Be the Safest Space for Truth-Seeking Intellectuals

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