Video from DTBM
Doctrine of Eternal Hellfire
"Today we go to the garbage dump of ancient Jerusalem. This is the place Jesus used as an illustration of the endless Lake of Fire called Gehenna. What a sober warning Jesus shared, and I pass it on to these dear Holy Land pilgrims at Aceldama. The amazing thing about Hell is how seldom we hear about it. Jesus spoke more of Hell than Heaven—we speak more of Heaven than Hell. Jesus warned of Hell from the start to the end of His ministry. Jesus preached about the horrors awaiting the unsaved lost ones in public, in private, with saints and with sinners. Jesus spoke much of it—we speak little of it. It was almost 20 years ago I read an article in Moody Monthly that more clearly described Hell than I was even comfortable with. Let me share that with you. That hideous doctrine[1] of hell is fading. How often have you thought of it in the past month, for instance? Does it make a difference in your concern for others, in your witness? Is it a constant and proper burden? Our Lord’s words on the subject are unnerving. In Luke 16, He tells us of a rich man who died and went to Hades (the abode of the unsaved dead between death and final judgment). From that story and a few other revelatory facts, we can infer several characteristics of hell. (HL07; Aceldama & hell)" from video introduction.