Amidst the horror of Hama's slaughter of October 7th 2023 and the ongoing slaughter of the people of Gaza we weep over the fallen sinful nature of our world!
The video and article below can help us look further into God's desire that all would be saved and how many if not most of the people of Gaza do not know Christ.
We as Christians must never lose sight of what we must do for those around us, we must lead them toward Christ.
Video from FAI Studios
Gaza & the Gospel of the Kingdom - The FAI Inkwell
FROM THE ARCHIVES // An appeal from the producer of the ‘Covenant and Controversy’ film library during the online furore regarding the Great Return March in 2018. Listen to the audio recording of, GAZA & THE GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM by Stephanie Quick from FRONTIER ALLIANCE INTERNATIONAL." from video introduction
Gaza & the Gospel of the Kingdom (2018) transcript
"Current events have a way of confronting what we really believe to be true—rather, they have a way of confronting us with what we really believe to be true. The fourteenth of May in 1948 pressed us with what we’d really been reading into Scripture’s declarations; the redrawn national borders of Israel continue to confront us still. That fateful Friday in 1948 relit a slow-burning powder keg of animosity; the last week or two have set off fireworks—and we are, again, confronted.
We’re meant to be.[1]
And we’re found wanting.
Just before His Ascension, the disciples asked Jesus an earnest question: “Lord, will You now restore the Kingdom to Israel?”[2] How we read His answer could serve to suffice for how we’d distill the Gospel down to a sentence if need be.
Disciples: “Lord, will You now restore the Kingdom to Israel?”
Jesus: “It is not for you to know times or seasons that the Father has fixed by His own authority. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”[3]
It really matters for Palestinian people that we read this correctly. There runs a ditch on either side of the narrow road of truth,[4] and many are the victims to the numerous mudslides running through them. The straight and narrow is this: He did not rebuke them for asking the question. He just said, “The answer isn’t yours to know. It’s His. Right now, I have work for you to do.”
“You will be My witnesses….”
Witnesses of what? Of “this Gospel of the Kingdom,” the one Jesus so specifically referred to just a month or more before.[5] Witnesses to where? “Everywhere, but start with the City of the Great King[6] and make your way through what many now call the West Bank. Hit Ramallah on your way to Doha. Hit Beirut on your way to Baghdad. Hit Gaza on your way to Guatemala. Go as far as you can on this round globe you call home, and go far enough that if you took one more step, because it’s round, you’d start your journey home. Go to the ends of the earth.”
Every Jewish ear within sonic range would’ve recognized Jesus’ verbiage because they were familiar with the prophets—because they’d actually read and re-read the Old Testament. They didn’t disregard its implications or excuse away its prophecies. David sang about the ends of the earth.[7] Isaiah wrote at length about them.[8] Jeremiah chimed in.[9] Crucially, they would’ve understood what “this Gospel of the Kingdom” meant, because all their hopes were hanging on it.[10] They knew Jesus to be the Son of God, Man, and David,[11] and they knew exactly why it is in everybody-since-Abraham’s best interests that He rule and reign from the City of Peace.[12] They knew the “new song” of the “new covenant” would erupt from David’s city and run across the nations until it hit New Zealand.[13] They knew it would make its way back until Muslims in Mecca and Amman bowed the knee to his Lord.[14] They knew the Arab world would be the last Gospel frontier before Jerusalem realized she killed her own Passover-preserved firstborn.[15] They knew the inauguration of the Davidic throne to be their “blessed hope,”[16] and they were waiting for it..." from the article: Gaza & the Gospel of the Kingdom
In Romans 1, Paul declared he was “obliged” to bear faithful witness to the Gospel of the Kingdom to all nations everywhere (verse 14). In Romans 15, he clearly identified his core life ambition: to lay foundations for the Gospel where none existed (verse 20).
We as an organization and spiritual family are committed to the same: to resource those who have the Gospel as we labor to reach those who do not have the Gospel, until the Son of Man comes on the clouds in power and glory..." from